Best Ways to Speed up Computer - How to Make PC Faster

Ways to Speed up Computer - How to Make PC Faster

If your computer is currently running slow, then you need some ways to speed up your computer. A computer can become slow for many reasons. Such as many junk files, viruses or spyware effects, file fragmentation, slow hardware, etc. For solving these issues let's follow some steps.

Clean Junk Files and Programs

First, uninstall the applications on your computer that you don't use.

Then start the clean junk file process

Best Ways to Speed up Computer - How to Make PC Faster

Go to the start bar and search for the run. Open it, then write %temp%, and hit enter button. Select all files with Ctrl+a then just hit the shift+delete button. Skip those files which can't be deleted. Again go to run and write temp hit enter and delete everything. Do the same process for prefetch and recent word. If you want to delete your browser data just go to the history of your browser and delete all. But remember, when you delete your junk file don't delete your useful data. 

Clean Your Virus or Spyware

When a computer has a virus, it stores itself in the system memory. For this, your computer program will slow down. There are many anti-malware software that you can use to protect your computer from viruses. You can use your built-in windows defender for scanning and cleaning your virus. But if you are not satisfied with it then you can use paid anti-malware software. You can use Malwarebytes. Because you can use it for free for 14 days. After cleaning your computer from viruses and spyware let's jump into the next step.

Defragment Your Hard Drive

Ways to Speed up Computer - How to Make PC Faster

It is also very important to make your computer fast. By combining files and other data kept on your hard drive, defragmentation manages storage on your computer. For defragmentation just go to your start bar and write Defragment and Optimize Drives. Open the application then select the drive which you want to Defragment then just click in optimize button. But, you don't need defragmentation if your hard disk is a Solid state drive (SSD).

Turn Off Search Indexing

Best Ways to Speed up Computer - How to Make PC Faster

Windows 10 indexes your hard disk in the background, If your PC is old then it can slow down your PC. If you have SSD then also you can increase your computer speed by stopping this. For turning it off just go to the start bar and search for services.msc then open the service application. Scroll down and look for Indexing Service or Windows Search. When you find it just double-click on it and stop the service, You can also disable it from the startup type dropdown box. 

Install more RAM and SSD Startup Drive

RAM is very important for making your computer fast. With faster RAM, you increase the speed at which memory transfers information to other components. So, add some ram to your computer and boost your computer speed. 
SSD drive is also important for you if you don't have an SSD on your computer. Just install an SSD drive for your (c:) drive, install the windows and all applications into (c:) drive, then see the magic. Your device will be faster than the previous time.

Reinstall the Windows Operating System

The most extreme technique for accelerating your computer speed is to reinstall windows. You will feel your computer like a new computer by doing this. But Keep your necessary data backup before doing this. All the above solutions (except Install more RAM and SSD Startup Drive) are not permanent. But this is a permanent solution for you. 


Every day we have to use the computer for some work. A slow PC slows down our work a lot. So our computer should always be fast. So for making your pc fast you can follow this article's steps. But remember that, high-quality hardware is the best way to get a fast computer. 

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