Computer Freezing Randomly Windows OS - Causes and Easy Solution


Computer Freezing Randomly Windows OS - Causes and Easy Solution

Computer freezing randomly in windows 10 has become a widespread issue these days. For that, users cannot run the computer properly. Most of cases the main reason behind this is the conflict between drivers and hardware. It can also be caused by having extra junk files, malware attacks, or many programs running behind your operating system. If you face a Computer freezing randomly problem, then this article will help you to get rid of this by doing some easy steps.

Clean all Junk Files and Free (C:) Drive

Computer Freezing Randomly Windows OS - Causes and Easy Solution

Go to the start bar and search for the run. Open it, then write %temp%, and hit enter button. Select all files with Ctrl+a then just hit the shift+delete button. Skip those files which can't be deleted. Again go to run and write temp hit enter and delete everything. Do the process for prefetch and recent. If you want to delete your browser data just go to the history of your browser and delete all. But remember, when you delete your junk file don't delete your necessary data. 

Just see the free space of your windows 10 (C:) drive. If you see that you don't have enough free space, you have to delete some files to free the drive space. Because, if your (C:) drive is running out of space, your windows operating system will slow down.  

Close all Unnecessary Program

Computer Freezing Randomly Windows OS - Causes and Easy Solution

Hit Ctrl + shift + Esc, and a window will appear named task manager. Just look for which program is consuming the most CPU and memory on your computer. Select those programs and hit the end task button. Every computer software needs a specific quantity of internal and external hardware resources to run. Your device may not have enough memory or processing capability to accommodate all the programs running at once. So, just don't open the high-consuming CPU and memory software together.

Clean Virus or Spyware 

When a computer has a virus, it stores itself in the system memory. For this, your computer program will slow down. There are many anti-malware software that you can use to protect your computer from viruses. You can use your built-in windows defender to scan and clean your virus. But if you are not satisfied with it then you can use paid anti-malware software. You can use Malwarebytes. Because you can use it for free for 14 days. After cleaning your computer from viruses and spyware let's jump into the next step.

Update all The Drivers

Computer Freezing Randomly Windows OS - Reason and Easy Solution

To update the driver right click on This Pc icon then click on Manage, and a window will come up. Then click the Device Manager tab, then select your category which needs the update. Has your freezing problem been resolved? If not then follow the next steps.

Perform a Memory Check and a System File Check

Computer Freezing Randomly Windows 10

For memory check go to the start bar and search for run and open in then write mdsched.exe and press enter button. a window will come, click on Restart now and check for problems. You pc will restart and the memory check process will start automatically. After the process is over, then perform a system file check.

Computer Freezing Randomly Windows 10

Computer Freezing Randomly Windows 10

For performing a system file check go to start bar and write cmd then hit the right click and select run as administrator. A window will come up. Write sfc /scannow and hit enter. Windows will check for corrupted file system and will fix it. After finishing the process write exit and restart your pc again. 

Check Your Computer by a Professional

Most of cases if you follow these steps your computer will run fine. If any of these steps do not work for you, then you must check your computer with a professional for fixing this problem. 


Every day we have to use the computer for some work. Randomly freezing computer slows down our job a lot. So our computer should always be fast. If this article helps you for solving the freezing issue then comment below. 

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