How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way

You can quickly schedule your meetings and events via Google Calendar and get reminders about upcoming activities, so you always know what's next. If you've created an event and want that your colleague or relatives will join your event, then you must send an invite to your colleague or relatives. In this article, you will learn how to forward google calendar invite easily on desktop and mobile.

Forward Google Calendar Invite with Desktop

1. Log in to google calendar with your Gmail account.

2. Then click on create>event for creating the event.

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-With desktop

3. A pop-up window will come up. Click on add guest and enter the email address of your participant, then hit enter. 

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-With desktop

4. You can make an optional participant by clicking the icon beside close.

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-With desktop

5. To select the date, and time click on the date or time then set your preferable time and date. 

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-With desktop

6. You will also see a google meet section where you can see the google meet link. If you want then keep it or close it. After all of these click on the save button.

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-With desktop

Forward Google Calendar Invite with Mobile Application

1. Install the calendar app into your mobile device.

2. Then touch on the + icon, then touch the event.

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-with android application

3. A window will come up, touch on Add People, and write the participant's email address, after writing all participant's email addresses, just touch on done. 

How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-with android application

4. You can select your event time from the time section which is above of the window. 

5. If you want to add any description, or a title just add these from the title and description input field. 

6. After all the modifications hit the save button.


How To Forward Google Calendar Invite - Simple and Easy Way-with android application


Google Calendar makes our time management very easy. If you make habit of using google calender then you will not forget any of your important events. From this article, You Learn How To Send Google Calendar Invite, and also learn how to make an event. 

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